
chatFull#c9d31138 flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true has_scheduled:flags.8?true id:long about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:flags.13?ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector<BotInfo> pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int folder_id:flags.11?int call:flags.12?InputGroupCall ttl_period:flags.14?int groupcall_default_join_as:flags.15?Peer theme_emoticon:flags.16?string requests_pending:flags.17?int recent_requesters:flags.17?Vector<long> available_reactions:flags.18?ChatReactions = ChatFull

Belongs to


This type can be an instance of either:



can_set_usernameflagThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
has_scheduledflagThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
chat_photoPhotoThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
exported_inviteExportedChatInviteThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
bot_infoBotInfoThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted. Otherwise, a list must be supplied.
pinned_msg_idintThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
folder_idintThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
callInputGroupCallThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
ttl_periodintThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
groupcall_default_join_asPeerThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
theme_emoticonstringThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
requests_pendingintThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
recent_requesterslongThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted. Otherwise, a list must be supplied.
available_reactionsChatReactionsThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.