Only users can use this method. See code examples.
---functions--- account.acceptAuthorization#f3ed4c73 bot_id:long scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector<SecureValueHash> credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool
Bool |
This type has no instances available.
bot_id | long | |
scope | string | |
public_key | string | |
value_hashes | SecureValueHash | A list must be supplied. |
credentials | SecureCredentialsEncrypted |
Known RPC errors
This request can't cause any RPC error as far as we know.
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient from telethon import functions, types with TelegramClient(name, api_id, api_hash) as client: result = client(functions.account.AcceptAuthorizationRequest( bot_id=-12398745604826, scope='some string here', public_key='some string here', value_hashes=[types.SecureValueHash( type=types.SecureValueTypePersonalDetails(), hash=b'arbitrary\x7f data \xfa here' )], credentials=types.SecureCredentialsEncrypted( data=b'arbitrary\x7f data \xfa here', hash=b'arbitrary\x7f data \xfa here', secret=b'arbitrary\x7f data \xfa here' ) )) print(result)