Only users can use this method. See code examples.
---functions--- account.uploadTheme#1c3db333 flags:# file:InputFile thumb:flags.0?InputFile file_name:string mime_type:string = Document
Document |
This type can be an instance of either:
Document | DocumentEmpty |
file | InputFile | |
file_name | string | |
mime_type | string | |
thumb | InputFile | This argument defaults to None and can be omitted. |
Known RPC errors
This request can't cause any RPC error as far as we know.
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient from telethon import functions, types with TelegramClient(name, api_id, api_hash) as client: result = client(functions.account.UploadThemeRequest( file=client.upload_file('/path/to/file.jpg'), file_name='some string here', mime_type='some string here', thumb=client.upload_file('/path/to/file.jpg') )) print(result.stringify())